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Water-pipe to water pump seal

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So I am tearing into my EA82 motor today to fix a coolant leak. I was all primed to change out the pump, as I thought it was coming out the weep hole.


However, I notice that the pump bearings seem fine. I pull off the AC to get a clear look and see that the obvious culprit is the water pump to water pump junction. The pipe wobbles around in my hand freely, and I can see water dripping out of the junction.


Upon further inspection, I see that this has to be the most mickey-mouse thing I have ever seen on a production vehicle. All that holds that together under high pressure is a cheesy o-ring? WTF?


I have no confidence that me putting it back together with a new O-ring will seal right. What are you guys doing on these?

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I just rebuilt my ea82 and I too was somewhat confounded by this setup when I was reassembling those parts...I thought for sure I'd lost a part somewhere along the way.


When I first installed it I didn't push hard enough and it leaked where the pipe meets the pump. So I pulled it back out, put some sealant on the ring, and worked it backed in place good the second time. The end of that pipe was rusted up more than I'm sure it should be, but so far it seems to be working just fine.


This is on the intake (suction) side of the pump, so I wouldn't guess that there is nearly as much pressure on that seal as there would be on the output side.

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