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TomRHere's '88 GL 4WD Wagon


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  • 1 month later...

Got another winshield for it yesterday curtesy of MechanicalMisfit. James brought it down to me in exchange for the D/R 4-speed transmition I had here.


Spent a few hours talking Subaru with James, mostly dealing with swapping parts between various models and years.

The Desert Fox Wagon looks good in person.


So now, I do need to get plate and insurance on this here Wagon.....


Got a friend that owns a glass shop, need to get the Wagon up to him.

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Thanks again Tom for the hookup on the trans. I managed to get it de-greased and cleaned. I still have to order some seals.


It's about a three hour drive down to Tom's place from where I'm at in western MI, but defiantly worth the trip. Tom always has good info, cold beer, and its cool to talk Subaru with some one who is interested in fixing these old cars vs turbos and wrx speak.


Loyale, if you're passing through Hillsdale in July, I would love to check out your wagon in person. It would be worth the trip.

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I'll be there all weekend, Either before or after the 4th. Sounds like a deal, I'd like to see this DesertFox!


Not a fan of beer though, Tom, I'll take an iced tea ;)


It'll be the first time I've taken the Loyale outta state. There are also too many Toms' on this board, lol.


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Don't have to have a Beer with us Tom, we usually have some iced tea in the fridge, brewed from bags, not instant....


Unless,,, you were talking a Manhattan or Long Island, Iced tea. :lol:


No have all the "ingrediants" for those......

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  TomRhere said:
Long Islands are good,,, but I like them to much..


So basically you're saying, You like Long Islands, but Long Islands don't like you so much? Haha!




Now that we've taken a Subaru thread and turned it into an AA meeting...

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It's all good though, just prefer beer now.


Anyways,,,,, back on track here.


Going to swing by Glen's shop after work today, see what he wants to install the new windshield, and if he wants the Wagon there or is willing to do it here.

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So I did some more digging around, and it turns out I actually do have a hood off of my old three door still.










it has a dent kinda in the middle, and a little bit of scale on the front but no rust holes, and its a little bit better than your current hood. Let me know if you're interested.

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Well, I believe I could do more with that hood than my current one.


I can fix stone chips and small rust areas.

No can fix hood what got bent over the roof of the car... Atleast, I can't,, well ,,,,,, just don't want to acutally.....


I'll take it.. Let me know price.

Bring it with you if you come down here for the Mini-Meet over the 4th. Otherwise, I'll figure a way to get myself up there to get it.

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No luck this past week getting with Glen about the windshield, he hasn't been in the shop when I stopped in. Will try this coming week.


Started it up yesterday to jump-start my riding mower. That thing is really begining to irritate that crap out of me with it's "No,, I don't want to crank over today" crap.


Anyways, after getting mower started, and taking care of the jumper cables, Christopher asked if he could drive the Wagon around the yard, told him to do so.


Probally put a whole whopping mile on it doing so, but it needed some kind of trip put on it to get the rear diff lube circulated around.

Did hear a light scraping noise from DS rear as he drove past me to park it. Could just be rust on the rotor, maybe the dustshield is rubbing.

Have to look at it.


But he did have a big :grin: on his face after getting out of it.


Said it took a bit to get used to the short throw of the shifter, but it felt good. Whole lot different than driving/shifting the BRAT.


Well DUH!!!! Only thing under this Wagon body that isn't from the XT6 is the EA81 engine. So it had better feel way different.......

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got with Glen about the windshield. $75.. to install it at his shop.


Got plate and insurance on it as of this past Wednesday, still haven't drove it down the road though, busy with other stuff. But, the weekend is here, so a few jaunts around town to check things out some, then she'll be the DD.

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Sing it Willie,,,

"On the road again".



:D :D Sure felt good to drive it around.....


Took it for a 7+ mile jaunt around the lake. Bit of spark knock, light pull to the right.

Got back here and backed timing off a tad, just loosened bolt and bumped it some.. Got to remember where I hid my timing light before I can see what it's set at.


Set about getting the front wheels both pointing in the same direction. With DS one straight, PS was turned out some. So some wrenches, some wood blocks, tapemeasurer, and the extention ladder was brought out.

20-30 minutes later, I had them both pointing where they should be. Trip to the alignment shop will be done soon, just wanting to get things close for now.

She steers real easy, even without a belt on the pump. Considering swapping the Cybrid pump from the XT6 in.


Another trip around the lake waas made.

Acceleration is better, and no spark knock. Seems to track straight now.

I do need to learn when to shift 3rd thru 5th though. Kept doing shift points like I was in the BRAT. Dummy I are.....


Trans isn't liking downshifts into 2nd or 1st. Don't recall having that issue when trans was in the XT6. But, I'll get some ATF in it, drive it for a bit, see if it clears up.


Got some noises that I need to track down. Not sure what they are from right now, and may need another set of ears to locate.


She definetly needs a good all over bath, soon. Did clean all the glass, started swapping door cards and things over from the Grey to the Brown.


Lot's more work to be done, but she is one the road. :headbang:



I did find myself thinking while I was driving around, that I should have dropped the ER27 in it . Sure do miss the XT6....

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Got a buffer here, just need to get a new pad for it.

She would look a lot better all shined up, but a good bath wouldn't hurt right now.


Drove it again this morning, no issue with 1st or 2nd downshifts. But, I knew the issue was there and I was slowly selecting the gear instead of just shifting it. So???


Ain't liking the BONG from the roof driving on some of the rough roads here. Have to get the rivets for the roof rack, get it mounted.

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Found cause of some of the noise I was hearing over the weekend.


Loose lug nuts, all 20 of them. :eek:


Was certain that I torqued them after putting them on and getting it down off the jackstands.


PS front was where most noise was coming from, the left turn into the driveway last night made a clunk as I hit the approach of the driveway.

Did a visual inspection, didn't see anything. Decided to check the lug nuts just for the helluvit.


Glad I did... PS front was the loosest..


Maybe I didn't torque them,

maybe there was a bit to much paint on the rim,

maybe there was still a bit of rust on the stud flange....


Will see if todays trip to work has less noise.

Got torque wrench in Wagon, just in case.

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Something as simple as lug nuts can really freak you out. I have done that as well and drove around for a couple of days with my Jeep. Huge face palm when I realized how stupid I was.


Live and learn.


Nice thread to read by the way.

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