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My Soob made it into a mag!


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If you flip to page 32 of the February issue of Petersen's 4Wheel & Off Road.

You'll see the old version of my Soob. Funny how much it has changed since that was done (took 'em long enough hehe). They printed the year wrong as well. Oh well. :grin:

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They only have up to parts of the Jan issue up on the site.

It's in their 40 best readers rides section.

Should be posted up soon I would think.

I have a subscription so I got the issue already. Don't know if it's out yet in stores though.

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Yeah they put me into the "Strange gang" section, but that's alright. :lol:


Whats funny is I would have thought peeps here would have been more excited too.

I keep getting "Hey I saw your Soob in 4wheel today!" PMs from guys on the 4x4 sites. Even before I started posting up that it was in there.

Jeepers just show me more love I guess. hehe


Yeah we'll have to hook up. The XJ forum is doing a tree run up Goat next sunday. Meet at the ranger station in Estacada I think at 9 or so.

Mainly Jeeps (of course) but we generally have a good mix of rigs. And those guys love seeing Soobs. Last year was a blast. :grin:

Some more info: http://www.pnwadventures.com/forum/trip-planning/22697-goat-mountain-xmas-tree-run-12-12-10-a.html#post32573

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It is a nice feeling for sure to have your car in a mag. Been there a couple of times myself. How many copies did you get for yourself? I am making a montage for my wall.

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  lostbrat said:
Congratulations ...its in February issue Peterson's 4 wheel. Just saw the soob there a few hours ago.

what a rag magazine tho

2 pages of heeps

1 page each for Chevy.Ford Dodge. I hate the heepers...and the stooges that drive them


Haters are everywhere. The problem is that just because people drive a certain car does not make them bad. Hondas, Toyotas, Subarus, Jeeps... whatever.


My best friend drives a Subaru, my Brother drives Chevrolet and Jeep, my son in law drives Subaru, Honda, Jeep and Chevrolet. I have had Ford, Chevrolet, Honda, Subaru, VW and Toyota. My point is, usually, the brand is what you drive, not what you are! Get over it!

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  Qman said:
Haters are everywhere. The problem is that just because people drive a certain car does not make them bad. Hondas, Toyotas, Subarus, Jeeps... whatever


Agreed x1000.

I have a couple Subarus, and I'll be a die-hard fan forever.

I also love Jeeps, and I've done almost all of my wheeling in them since I got my CJ-7 when I was 16.


Don't hate. The lack of haters is what makes this board such a tolerable place. :)

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  TeamCF said:
I just did a snow run with the NAXJA guys. All very cool guys in the group. Even made it further up the trail than the trail boss. :grin:

(now the others are ribbing him about it on the XJ forums. hehe )


Saw the reports on NAXJA. Looks like it was fun. Good job showing up a Jeeper.

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It was good times. Except for the rain while airing back up. That sucked.


Always nice when some in the group are looking at ya sideways at the meetup spot. Then at the end of the day you are still there in their rearview mirror. :grin:


Me and Gregg didn't hit the top though. We stopped at the gravel pit near the top. It was starting to get a bit high in the center. Not much you can do about dragging bottom in that icy slushy stuff. It just holds on.


I find you get invited on more runs when you know your limits rather than always forcing it and then needing a pull out. Bigger 4x4s tend to give more respect that way. :)

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  daredevil1166 said:
Saw the reports on NAXJA. Looks like it was fun. Good job showing up a Jeeper.


Just got back from a quick (relatively) run. I made it to the top this time. :grin:

Extremely windy up there.

The antennas were just howling.

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^^ fun!


I thought about going up there one evening this week but it's near dark when I'm off at 4 and I didn't want to be stuck alone at night.


I need to start being less of a wimp now that I have a winch though.


I might make a try this weekend, it probably won't be as clear with the snow level dropping this week though.


I took a look at your writeup in the magazine while I was at the store the other night. Cool little blurb.


I say we flood them with Suby letters, make them pay attention. :)


Edit: The snow level is supposed to be dropping and we should get some good snow.... maybe we should plan a last minute snow run for this Saturday.

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I think I'm busy this weekend. Plus I've been out the past couple weekends so my girlie proly would like it if I spent less time with the Soob for once.... :lol:


It should be good and nasty up there. I'm looking off in the valley and the snow has dropped quite a bit. So Goat should be already dumped on.


I left the house at about 8:00 monday night to go up. :rolleyes:

I'm always prepared to stay over night anytime I go wheeling though.

Had a few times I wasn't stuck or brokedown. But just said screw it and decided to camp out while doing some late wheeling. :)


A TSF or sand lake run is in order soon though. Not been to either in awhile. Thinking of doing a winter camping trip at TSF. Alot of the trails are closed/snowed in already but a few lower ones are runnable.

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I know what you mean. My car is routinely referred to as my "other girlfriend".


I'm always prepared to stay as well. I have enough survival/camping gear that I could easily be out a few days. I have yet to stay out unexpectedly, but I don't think I'd mind it too much.


I was at sandlake a month or so ago. It's getting a bit played out for me. I'm having a hard time finding anything I haven't done over and over. I haven't been around TSF at all though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm late to the party, but what the heck.

I don't normally peruse the offroad section anyway.


I just saw it on the rack, mucho congrats dude.

Finally got some Sube love.


And had I not been alone in the aisle I probably would've gotten some strange looks when I found it...


Anyway, I'll send'em mine when it's actually finished :-p


Hope I see more in there!




PS: Does anybody know the guy in spokane with the bus?

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Thanks. :)

I know I about blew a gasket when I flipped through it at the mailbox the day I got the issue. Took the sting out of the bills that came that day too. hehe


I thought it was funny mine is right next to the lifted short bus..... :lol:


I figure it never hurts to submit to the mags. Took awhile for them to put it in (like I said they wouldn't even recognize it now, and it's more "worthy" these days).

But I thought it was neat they held on to it for one of the "best of" issues.

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