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Bigger wheels in stock EA82 can Crash?


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your engine is going to have the same HP but it wont get near as much torque. to be honest a general rule is nothing over 28 inches on a suby with stock gears. now i do have 31s on my buggy but they are too big so im gonna exchange em when i get some cash.

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thank's now i have 13' :( with smal tires, engine have power & want more but In poland we havent any (off road) tires to 13' then i need biggest wheels


what size of wheel are the most simply to modificate ? 6x114 , 6x127 , 6x139? What cars have it?

Edited by German22
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Soobs with the 4x140 wheel stud spacing (like your EA82) can use Peugeot 505 wheels. They will bolt right up.

There should be a wheel guide in the off road FAQ showing some of the options. :)



Also you can modify your hubs a bit for the six lug conversion so you can put wheels from say a Toyota pickup on.



You can also modify the six lug wheels to fit your 4 lug hubs.



Make sure where you are at they will not inspect these things. Might be something to make you not pass. (I know some countries in Europe do a thorough inspection on mechanical stuff)


Have fun! :)

Edited by TeamCF
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yep i look at this options:) faster will be to modificate the wheels, every things must be make witch precision, we see whats will be. Now i have big winter and dont have a place to do it.


does that rims can be modificate to subie? from MITSUBISHI PAJERO II 1995R?



Edited by German22
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  brumby420 said:
your engine is going to have the same HP but it wont get near as much torque. to be honest a general rule is nothing over 28 inches on a suby with stock gears. now i do have 31s on my buggy but they are too big so im gonna exchange em when i get some cash.



INcorrect. Your engine will have the same amount of horsepower and torque

regardless of how big of tires are on it.The bigger tires mess with your overall gear ratio. The bigger tires tend to give the effect of higher gears (numerically lower) so the net torque delivered to ground is less.

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  Uberoo said:
INcorrect. Your engine will have the same amount of horsepower and torque

regardless of how big of tires are on it.The bigger tires mess with your overall gear ratio. The bigger tires tend to give the effect of higher gears (numerically lower) so the net torque delivered to ground is less.


Yeah your right technically the engine has the same specs as far as whats going to the fly wheel but unfortunately takes away torque from the wheels and can be very hard on the clutch.

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  German22 said:
drivers was supriced when I come my subie on smal wheels:)


cool car:)


Heh - yeah people are always surprised what Subaru's can do even with little wheels and tires. They are very light for the amount of traction they have. Thier light weight is their biggest advantage.


Do you have any pictures of your car? It is always interesting to see Subaru's from other countries. I often wonder why we don't see more people posting from europe?



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yep that is problem, in bigger car portal with cars i find only 2 peugeot 505, nobody want to sell rims:/ Last time i hear only goods about my soobie:) when i was in workshop the mechanic when see subie dont want to fix my car:) but when turn on engine in next day he was suprised , say that engine is on good condition , i self change the bearings one of them was like a LEGO :) - fine work/ very easy. Now only my subie can drive on snows roads to my home -best car i have:banana:



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