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EA82, 4AET lock possible??

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loooking for info for the bible

might be better if it gets posted here


i know its possible to do the lock on the auto gearbox on the liberty and outback models, but i dont go near autos much and well is there much difference between the L series auto and the liberty?

can you still do the electronic diff lock?

im not really sure how it works, if its the centre diff we yeah there isnt one so derr


cheers for any info

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As long as you have a 4EAT, then it is the same. I did the mod, then I modded a Legacy TCU to run in my loyale. Worked just fine after modding the firmware for the different diff ratios. So there is no working differences between the two transmissions, at least according to the TCU.


There are a few differences between the EA series 4EAT, and the EJ series 4EAT just minor changes, mainly for reliability and what not. Like adding a few more clutch disks here and there, that sort of thing. Nothing major. But they can swap back and forth by just swapping the bell housing and keeping the diff's matching.


If you need info on the diff lock mod, there are several thread that detail it around the net, but it sounds like you have that under control.


Hope that helps!

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  pickstock said:
thanks for that GD


Are you referring to me? Last time I looked I wasn't GD :lol:


  pickstock said:

wasnt sure, ive read about the mod for liberty ones, but i dont know the EA82 autos well and wasnt sure if theyre awd or what hence why the mod wouldnt work


Ya, 1990 was the last year the EA82's got the 4EAT. It's the same trans as the legacy, so Subaru wanted people to spend more money on the "better" car and trans combo, and then cheapied out the EA82 to make them less appealing :-\


I have a thread around where I did it and I showed what wires to do what to, and all that jazz. The wire colors are a little off, and the TCU is a PAIN to get to. Just look up my thread where I did it for all the info...

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Do keep in mind that there are some 3AT's out there, and they are NOT electronic, so you can't do that mod. In fact most of the autos in the EA series cars were the 3AT's. I believe the 4EAT came out in 1987.5 and was only offered like I said until 1990. So very few of the EA series cars have the 4EAT in them, and usually only the turbos and the "upper" end models. Just a little FYI :)

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it's the same on all 4EATs...well not sure about 2005's :lol::lol:, just cut one wire, it's really simple the way it all works.


i've done it on XT6's which have the same 4EAT as the EA era stuff, exactly the same and very simple.


like he said, you have to make sure it's actually a 4EAT and not those old 3AT's.

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this is all just research for a little book im writing


yeah done some more research on the local forum, the 4AET only came here in the vortex and the top of the range Ls


the plan is to skim over it, put that the mod can be done in the description of the box and then leave it. i dont want to pay a crap load to get a box i dont really want atm just to do a lock with, if anyone who reads the book wants to do it they can look elsewhere IE here


cheers for the info guys

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