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Dist rotation

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What is the rotation of a subaru dist? CCW or CW?

Im asking cus i am converting my sons sand rail to

a chevy tbi setup. ( I hate ajusting the filpping carbs!)

Need to know if the grove in the dist shaft will pull the

oil up or down when installed in the vw engine.


Oh and sube dis is almost a perfect fit in the vw, just

have to change the drive gear!

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well, on an EA82, you turn the dizzy CW to advance timing...so I assume that would mean it spins CCW


...I don't know if all Subarus are the same. I just gave out some wrong info for a different engine type so I'll just keep my fat mouth shut regarding other engines

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Originally posted by teasdam

well, on an EA82, you turn the dizzy CW to advance timing...so I assume that would mean it spins CCW


...I don't know if all Subarus are the same. I just gave out some wrong info for a different engine type so I'll just keep my fat mouth shut regarding other engines




Guess I should say its out of a ea81

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Here is a trick you can use on any distributor with mechanical (aka centrifugal) advance.

Try and turn the rotor.

It will turn a little bit in one direction and none in the other.

The direction it turns is the direction it rotates in the engine.

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Like Skip's tip, this only works on old-school distributors, this one with a vacuum advance unit:


The vac. unit is mounted to the dist body at an angle, like the starter cord on a chainsaw.


Line your finger up over the top of the advance unit, it'll point toward one side of the dist. Imagine it's the chainsaw starter rope. Your finger is pointing in the direction of rotation.


Works for dual-diaphragm units, too.


Useless for EA82 and newer, of course.

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