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87 gl-10 turbo help

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whats up all, I just purchased my first suby and im having some trouble with it and was wondering if anyone could give me their 2 cents.


basically I bought the car and the previous owner said it ran fine before one of the timing belts snapped, so he had the belts replaced and said it still wouldn't restart so he had it sitting for about 3 years at his house.


so I towed it to my auto shop and went to work on checking the camshaft alignment to the engine and found they replaced the belts according to the

0 degree mark on the flywheel not the 3 marks for the timing, so I fixed it and made sure the job was done correctly before I put the plastic covers back on.


the car also came with a lot of new parts, fuel filter, cap, rotor, plugs, wires, all new axle boots up front


then I went to work putting everything on the front of the engine (pumps, radiator, fans ECT...)


I now have everything on, engine timing and ignition timing are spot on, turns over nice and sounds good while cranking and ive also put a new fuel pump in it and I still can only get little kicks out of the engine not an actual start. I was also wondering if someone could tell me where the fuel pressure regulator is and if the main line coming out of the fuel filter should go right into it? because im under the impression the two lines are mixed up:confused:


also if anyone has some extra info they could share maybe im looking over something simple so any info would be great- Thanks

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on the timing belt issue, did you rotate the crank 1 full turn before installing the pass side belt? in the end it will have the cam gear marks opposite each other,, 1 up and 1 down , when the 3 marks on the flywheel are alligned to the pointer.

i only mention this because somrtimes it is overlooked and both belts are installed with marks both up at the same time ,, that won't work.

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Thank you everybody for all of the replys!


when I did the timing belts I set the flywheel to the middle of those 3 marks, then set the driver side camshaft strait up and put the belt on, then spun the engine 360 degrees and set the passenger side cam strait up and put that belt on, so yes the dots on each of the camshaft pulleys are 180 degrees offset.


a couple weeks ago I set the distributor at cylinder 1 while the flywheel was at 0 degrees, today I took the top off the distributor while it was at 0 degrees and for some reason it had made its way almost 180 degrees off:confused: so I fixed it and im hoping that does the job, as far as the fusible links they look as if they have all been replaced from the previous owner.

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...a couple weeks ago I set the distributor at cylinder 1 while the flywheel was at 0 degrees, today I took the top off the distributor while it was at 0 degrees and for some reason it had made its way almost 180 degrees off:confused: so I fixed it and im hoping that does the job....

The distributor turns at 1/2 crankshaft speed, so the "0" mark will appear twice for every revolution of the rotor. Unless someone had pulled the distributor before you did, it was likely at the correct place before you touched it.


As was previously suggested, check for spark. Plwase make sure that the spark seems "right" for the engine speed, as I have seen a case of the spark occurring 1/10th as often as it should, and it took several hours to realize that.


Once you know that you have spark (and the distributor is set properly), you might try using an alternate fuel source (e.g. starting fluid) to see if it will fire.

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