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81 Brat Starts but won't stay running

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Hi, last night when i was trying to start my 1981 Brat, it would not stay running, it would start up and idle for about 30 seconds and then die, it would do this even if i was giving it gas. also, both the warning lights for the battery and brakes were on the whole time, and usually never stay on for more then 5 seconds after i start the car. I tried starting it 4 times then gave up, does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?

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In my knowledge the battery and brake lights being on means the alternator is not working properly. It could be that the car will run as long as there is enough juice from the battery to keep the spark going but after the battery wears down it dies. How good is your battery? A newish fully charged battery should be able to keep a car running for at least an hour without help from the alternator, but if its only half charged to begin with................

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I seem to remember Subaru use a safety feature where the fuel pump will not continue to be powered if it does not recieve a power feed output from the alternator indicating the engine is running,therefore an alternator or charging circuit fault aspecially of an intermittant nature will power down the fuel pump.

When you first turn on the ignition the pump will run to prime the system,but the engine must be running for the fuel pump to continue to operate this is a safety feature designed to help avoid fires in major accidents with possible ruptured fuel lines and an electric pump continuing to operate.


I suggest you look into this area for your problem or you may well get stuck again somewhere not so convenient regarding assistance if required.

Cheers from Sydney somewhere Oprah will soon spotlight for your entertainment come January so you will know where some of us reside.

Seasons Greetings to all.

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