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So I need a little help with a vibration.


With my foot on the brake and in gear and reving to around 2500rpm I get a vibration, this vibration also happens while driving at around 35-40mph and I guess while the engine is underload. As soon as I take foot of accelerator it stops so any suggestions on wear to look?


2008 outback 2.5


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first off, don't put it in gear and rev it with the brake on when you have an auto:mad: that is just plain dumb. If its vibrating under load its probably a drive shaft joint,tranny mount,engine mount, all of which don't tend to fail in less than 2 years. Could be a tire out of balance. You should still be under warranty. But if you keep putting it in gear and revving it, they are not going to honor a warranty, these are auto trannys, and not equipped with a launch control so stop trying to launch it! your tranny will not be cheap.

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yeah you dont want to rev an auto while holding the brake, this was a thing most of us probably used to do in our old trucks and rods back in the day known as power braking, very bad to do in a subaru. I would definitely bring it to the dealer, something inst right with the car.

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if you have the chance bring it in, the vibration when you held the brake down in gear and revved it is probably from the tranny trying to take off, which as I stated you don't want to do, but the vibration between 35-40 is probably something you want to have looked at, odds are its just a tire out of balance. I doubt its a joint since its an 08' with I'm assuming under 80k miles. go have it looked at and save yourself some cost if you wait too long.

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I had a closer listen on the drive home tonight and I think it is better described as a rattle than a vibration as I can not feel it either through the steering wheel or pedal etc but more like a loose bolt in the engine bay area. Strange thing is if I take my foot of pedal it goes away instantly and comes back just as fast when I press down again. Will see as the wife has been driving it lately so I only noticed it last night.


Thanks for the reply's so far they are giving me ideas on what to look for and check.

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