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Front diff noises with cv characteristics??

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My front diff has been whining for 10,000 miles anyway. During and after this past snow storm a repetative but intermittent thud and squeels began to show up in my front left area. I did replace the drive axle there two years ago with a NAPA job. The boots on the axle are fine and the axle feels good and snug with no play. The thud started when coasting to the left and now shows up more when accelerating to the left. I guess the squeek has been going for the last couple o weeks.

Is there any chance this thud thud thud thud squeek squeek squeek is coming out of my front diff? Really sounds and feels like a drive axle to me but it's fairly new.


1998 lagacy outfront. 2.5 automatic

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Diffs will make more of a popping noise if the spider gears wear out. Those don't generally wear too much unless you're doing one wheel peel-outs.

Is it any different on a very slight turn than it is on a tight turn like turning into a parking space? Any more pronounced or frequent?

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If I'm going straight/slightly to the right...no thud. the second we're on a slightly left turn even going pretty straight, it thuds. Even correcting for the crown in the road....it thuds. It is constantly squeeking. the squeek is what i don't recall a drive axle making.

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AHA!! It's is no doubt front left. If the diff wouldn't squeek--- I think my re man'd cv axle is gone after a couple years only. The extra length caused by the bad joint is making the rotor squeek on something? I think I'll get another re-man'd axle for 45 bucks rather than 210 @ the dealer for OEM. :rolleyes:

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