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My 1999 Legacy SUS Limited AWD ABS 186,000 miles has a brake problem that happens intermittently. When the pedal is applied it feels as if there are no brakes at all, pedal is hard as a rock and car won't stop. Happened to my 17 year old daughter coming home last night, would not stop when the pedal is depressed. Then in less than a minute it feels normal. I suspect the booster has a problem and needs to be replaced. Thanks in advance for any help. Mike

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  fastrat37 said:
My 1999 Legacy SUS Limited AWD ABS 186,000 miles has a brake problem that happens intermittently. When the pedal is applied it feels as if there are no brakes at all, pedal is hard as a rock and car won't stop. Happened to my 17 year old daughter coming home last night, would not stop when the pedal is depressed. Then in less than a minute it feels normal. I suspect the booster has a problem and needs to be replaced. Thanks in advance for any help. Mike


what's the air temp when this happens?


had the car been sitting cold for a while?


does / did it happen when she first started the car?


on extremely cold days there is a condition that keeps the brakes from working. i'm not sure of the cause or the fix, but it happens to me every now and then. after just a minute it the brakes work fine.

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On my old Ranger, the brake booster would freeze in cold weather. I figured out why when I finally took it off to replace it. It had a hole rusted in one of the top corners, and had a half cup or so of rusty water in it. Once the engine warmed, and the water melted, it worked fine.

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Thanks for all the replies to this problem.


The weather here around Denver Colorado has been quite cold recently, below 0 degrees at night. Kids were driving the car last night and no problems were reported. I didn't have a chance to look things over under the hood to see if there is any water/ice in the vacuum line to the booster. I have a new booster ready to go in if needed.

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My brake pedal seems a bit hard (significantly harder than our '05 forester, for example), but is the same all seasons, has not gotten worse for 2 years or so.


Anything *besides* the booster (or vac feed to it) or several stuck calipers likely to cause this?



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You can replace the booster but the same thing may happen. It is not a Master Cylinder issue. Others cars do this too. Cars are not perfect in winter, whihc is something people forget. the easy solution is tell everyone who drive the car in below freezing weather to pump the brakes three times hard to brake the seal. After that it wont happen untill the car engine cools down again, which actually takes a while.


Modern cars are air tight, which is why they are quiter, this is also why Ac comes on the defrosters. one of the few air leaks, which is needed for the operation, is the power brake booster.

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i just registered my lateset car with 'mysubaru.com' and below is what popped up under recalls, master cylinder.


has any one else dealt with this?


WXQ74 - Open Master Cylinder Failure in Cold Condition



there happen to several open recalls for this car. the previous owner didn't go to the dealer very often.

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regarding my 98, here is the description.




Subaru of America, Inc. has determined that your Subaru may experience reduced braking efficiency in extremely cold outside temperatures (approximately 20 degrees below zero Fahrenheit and colder.) In extremely cold ambient temperatures, your brake pedal may have increased pedal travel and reduced braking efficiency. This could result in additional stopping distances, which can result in an accident. Please contact your Subaru dealer and schedule a service appointment to replace the brake master cylinder unit on your vehicle. This repair will be performed at no charge to you. We regret any inconvenience this may cause, but we have taken this action in the interest of your safety and your continued satisfaction with your Subaru.




not exactly what we have been talking about.

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Use the search!


It has nothing to do with power brake booster., but the master cylinder itself and only for 99




I know a few that have replace the barke booster to only have the issue return in a year. YOu can flush the brakes (which shold have been done anyway as a maint item)

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Checked with the Subaru dealer and the brake master cylinder was replaced under the recall.

I removed the vacuum line from the engine to the booster and blew compressed air through it. It appears to be just fine, check valve is working and no moisture was observed exiting from the hose from the air being blown through it.

The booster I purchased from O'Reilly's was wrong of course so that went back. Still puzzled.......thanks for all of the input to this problem, reallly appreciate it guys!!

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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 months later...

A 2007  thread on this subject seemed to indicate that a pedal that pushes to the floor is a master cylinder issue.  A hard to depress (esp. in very cold weather) brake pedal is brake power booster issue.  I just had this happen to me thin morning. 4 degrees outside, brake hard to depress, little braking action when reversing out of (flat) driveway.  Cleared up almost immediately.  2011 Outback Sport with 53000 miles.

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  On 1/8/2015 at 11:23 PM, johnceggleston said:

... the WWBBQ ...


Off topic, but I thought that WWBBQmeant something like World Wide Barbeque ... :D ...



If there is Recall about Master Cylinders,


the owners of the involved models, should pay attention to it.


Brakes are the last thing we want to fail in any car... Kind Regards.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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Until you fix it the best work around is in bitter cold weather when you start the car pump the brakes several times until you get a good pedal then you can proceed,  It wont freeze with the car running after it has melted. 


It is just water condensation in the check valve freezing up.

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