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Clutch cable snapping

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yesturday after class, I was on my way home and not more than a block away from college, going into 2nd as the clutch pedal went down, I heard a snap and the pedal hit the floor.


So there I am, thinking what the H*** just happened??.

I have momentum and get the car into the nearest parking lot and start looking under the dash and hood. didnt get a good look at it, those little key lights dont give enough light. but feeling around, the cable slides back and forth under the dash at the top of the pedal.


Sitting there thinking whether if I should push or tow it home and as I shift in/out of gear( the engine is off) realizing that I can start this thing in 1st gear and get going and creep home in 1st.


one problem- there is 10 lights and 2 stops(rolled thru both) signs to get this car home. (this is the least number of lights and stops signs route of 5 miles)


shifting up is easy, its coming down thats hard.


You know your a subie owner if:

you can shift through all the gears without grinding gears and no clutch.

Theres another thread for that in here somewhere.


I didnt make it through light #4. bump start again.


I know its hard on the starter, but it has a warranty.


I ordered a new cable from my fav parts store, the clerk is getting to know me, I just mention "subaru", that will be here tomorrow.


Q: is it difficult to install a cable?

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You should get the OEM cable from the dealer - aftermarket is inferior.


You can drive without a cable - rev match your shifts and start the engine in first. Yes it will die at stops. Yes it is frustrating. Yes it can be done and yes I've done it for way too many miles.


Follow my guide to replace the cable:





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Many times I have found that if you don't lube on (I use marine grease but any good quality grease works well) the place where the throw out bearing slides back and fourth on.... the amount of force required to push the pedal down is tremendously increased. I have seen firewalls torn up, clutch cables worn out, clutch cables snapped, and pedal assembly's broken. Not to mention all kinds of hydraulic problems with hydraulic systems. Many poor repair shops forget to lube this spot any many customers complain of hard clutch pedal. Shops usually shrug this off and tell the customers that it's a higher duty clutch. The auto repair world is full of dishonest individuals. But that is a topic for other discussions.

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