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Outback- Front Bumper Sag Phenomenon

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I did a board search and didn't get any hits, so I'm going to throw this out there...


Has anybody else noticed this? Just about every Outback I see (mine included) has a noticable front bumper sag for lack of a better term. This usually seems to be most evident on the passenger side where the bumper sections (are supposed to) come together.


Can the plastic sections be re-aligned without too much difficulty? Or should I just get one of those front-end bras (like you didn't see that one coming):rolleyes: for support.


Stupid pun, but serious question.

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Originally posted by Evanism

Before my new suby, I had a Mystique. I remember a problem with some Ford Contours/ Mercury Mystiques, where the rear bumpers sagged. Here's a link to their solution.




Thanks for the link! Once it warms up a bit, I'm gonna climb up underneath and see if this might work for the Outback.

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