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Door panel removal. Tips & tricks wanted!

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You may or may not remember that in installed a new stereo in my 98 Outback a couple weeks ago. Well I quickly discovered that a couple of my speakers are blown, so I bought four new speakers and a box of Dynamat today.


I can't seem to find step-by-step instructions for removing the door panels. Also, my car has tweeters up on the corner of the panel (where manual mirror controls would've been located on most cars).


Is that tweeter attached to the panel or to the door? I'm just trying to get an idea of the scope of this job. I can have them installed for $80, but I'd rather save that money if it's a pretty standard job.


if anybody can point me to a site with detailed instructions, I would very much appreciate it.



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the tweeters are attached to the door, pry the blanks off carefully with a screwdriver there are wire connectors taped behind the door panel just attach them to the tweeter assmbly press em on to the door put the panel back on, and youre good to go save the blanks just in case

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panels, unscew the screws in the latch (plug covering the screw) and under the handle theres a cover you have to remove , go around the outside of the panel and carefully pry it away from the door, lit it up out of the window channel, be careful not to disrupt the window and lock wiring assmblys and wires. reverse to replace

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