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95 Legacy L, 2.2, 5 speed, 345k miles. So, I decided to swap out the PCV valve. When I was removing the hose connected to the PCV valve, it snapped the plastic T connector that connects it to the air intake and downward into the engine. I was able to remove the two hose clamps that are on the rubber hose going straight down into the engine (it's about 6 inches long and almost an inch in diameter). I can't get it out. The T connector at the top that snapped is pretty brittle and trying to pull it out just results in more pieces snapping off.


What should I do? Should I try a box cutter to cut the hose lengthwise? Should I just break up the plastic pieces of the T connector and pull them out?


Also, there's lots of gunk in this tube (shocker after so many miles), and a few small pieces of plastic have probably fallen through. Is this any worse than anything else floating around in there after so many miles?

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I would get all those pcv parts from the dealer there not expensive. I did the same on my 93 legacy. You can simply cut length wise as you say.


About the debree, you can technically flush oil through the line and it will then go into the oil pan. You can probably leave it til next oil change and it will most likely be fine.

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If you have any junk yards around - that would be a good source. The hose that goes into the engine is easily made from a section of the IAC supply hose that goes into the intake duct from the air filter. You might find a good plastic nipple or one that you can save by cutting away the hoses. I can often peice a setup together from the yard and get everything for $5 or less.


The dealer is ok as well but they will have to special or that stuff and it may take a day or two. Sometimes thats too long when something like that breaks. Plus today is Sunday so none of the dealers are open - figured I would give you some hope :).



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I work in C'ville - commute from Staunton - hence the 346k miles! I just stopped by and they had the hoses but had to order the connector. It should be here today or tomorrow. The parts lady (Donna?) was really nice - she even called Fisher's to see if they had the part I needed.




You don't have to remind me. :-p I work there. (not at the soob store though)


The one in Staunton is probably closer for you.

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I work in C'ville - commute from Staunton - hence the 346k miles! I just stopped by and they had the hoses but had to order the connector. It should be here today or tomorrow. The parts lady (Donna?) was really nice - she even called Fisher's to see if they had the part I needed.




Donna knows her stuff. If she can't figure it out, she'll figure it out. :lol:


Mine snapped like 4 weeks ago I have yet to replace it yet.. I have not checked out the whole thread yet but do they have to order this part?


I doubt it will effect gas mileage? because right now I got some pretty crappy mileage..

It essentially creates a big vacuum leak, which could lead to idle problems, and crappy fuel mileage.
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Well I just ordered the PCV plastic part and the fat hose that goes from the motor to it but not the two other hoses..


I hope I will be able to get the piece that snapped off from inside it.


My car idles fine just my gas mileage has gone down the tubes From a full tank to a half a tank I only was able to get about 96 miles.. I I know it was snowing for those few days but still that's like what under 16 MPG right?


This is my first order from subaruparts.com so i don't know if they hold the whole order up for one part that's not in stock or what.

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It's all done. To get the hose out that went down to the engine I used a box cutter to make a slit in the bottom. This created a weakness in it and it snapped right off. Pushed on the new one, slid the two hose clamps on (which was a bit of a pain), put in the T connector, and hooked everything right back up. Breaking off the hose was a bit scary because I wasn't sure at first if the hose or the stud had broken.


Thanks again to the group.

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subaruparts.com finally shipped the order the plastic part and the fast hose that goes from the block to it.. However I got 220 from a full tank with snow tires on that's better then the last two weeks...


I'm sure when I switch to the summers it should get a bit better as well.

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It's all done. To get the hose out that went down to the engine I used a box cutter to make a slit in the bottom. This created a weakness in it and it snapped right off. Pushed on the new one, slid the two hose clamps on (which was a bit of a pain), put in the T connector, and hooked everything right back up. Breaking off the hose was a bit scary because I wasn't sure at first if the hose or the stud had broken.


Thanks again to the group.


I've had to cut dry rotted oil hardened hoses many times. The trick is to cut it enough to get through, but not so much that you scar the sealing surface of the part it's stuck to. A good hose pick helps immensely for the hard to get to areas.

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parts came the plastic PCV thing looks different then the one I had before but still the same.. that rubber tube from the block to the plastic piece :D the rest should be ok.







too bad it came so late today was a nice day... 61 F outside.... Tomorrow in the 30's LOL

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