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Don't jack up your transmission by putting the jack under the pan. I have repaired three transmissions in the past month that were damaged by a jack. If installing an engine hoist the transmission from the top. A 2x4 sitting on the strut towers with a long piece of 1/2 all thread bent into a hook on one end does the job. Loop the hook through the transmission bracket ( where the upper mount attaches) On the other you can loosen/tighten the bolt on the all thread to raise/lower the trans.

Edited by logic23
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Its real nice... you use a gearwrench and you can move the trans up and down with more precision than a jack. You can work the engine hoist with your right hand and the gearwrench with your left... I started using it on the manuals. they dont have much surface area to jack from the bottom.

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