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Soob Noob

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Hey everyone


My name's Dave and i am the proud owner of a 79' BRAT:headbang: .. "The Brat" until i feel more creative.


It makes me happy to find a huge forum of so may people that love this car as much as i do.


Anyway i drove this car in high school and then it was passed around the family for a couple years until it ended up at the family barn (the place where all machines go to die:horse:) for the last 10 years.


I am now in the process of rescuing it cuz it's such an awesome car. I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give, tips, or thoughts on what to do with a car that's been sitting so long.


The fist problem i can find (besides the excess amount of rust) now is that it die's easily when I try to get moving, especially into reverse. The clutch cable is pretty loose so i'm going to tighten/ replace that and see if that makes the fix.


Also any ideas where i can find ;

Drivers side window crank (blue)

Passenger side Front fender

Driver and passenger chairs (blue)


Thanks for reading my long post. Just had to get all that out, can't stop thinking about how to make The Brat run since i got my hands on it last weekend.

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I'll work on the pics, i think my wife took some today while i was was working on it.


Kinda kickin myself for not getting some "before pictures" u know the piles of mouse droppings in the cab, the nest right where the spare tire should be, and the random hay stuck to spider webs throughout the engine compartment. Now it looks like a whole new car :headbang:

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  • 2 weeks later...

GREAT NEWS!!! Bratticus has passed california smog! after 30 years 10 of which spent collecting dust and how knows what else, all she needed was a tune up and we're good to go :)


I'd love to post pics but i can't figure out how to do it on this site ... a little help please?

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