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I've been away for a while. I missed you guys! My car missed you all so much it decided that it would start making a strange ticking-ish sound and screeching when I turn the wheels all the way. Found that the gears are worn out in the rack.


So... here I am!


Its a 1998 2.2 Impreza.


Now the weird thing is... this is not the first time it's gone through a steering rack. This one has been in for about 4 years. Granted, it was used when it went in, but subarus are known for NOT going through steering racks, no? Any ideas why mine has decided to kill 2 of them in it's 13 years of life?


AND, I know this is probably a difficult question to answer not having seen/heard the car, but do you think its ok to drive like this? Not for a long time, just until I can save enough to get the new one in. I don't want to do more damage, or have it totally fail on me. But I kinda really need my car! It IS noticeably "loose" feeling, but I don't really know what to expect from it. Will it slowly just get worse, or will it go out on me and be really bad?


Thanks for the help!

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The original rack may have just been one of those rare failures.... the second rack could have had a lot of miles on it already or, more likely, all the metal wasn't flushed from the lines and pump - or the pump is chewed and it's making some of the metal going into the rack.....


Best bet is an entire used system - rack, pump, and lines. That way you eliminate the possibility of fluid contamination. Still much cheaper than a new rack.


I think the lack of responses to your question is probably due somewhat to the super-bowl. :)



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