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Good news and bad news.... (87 Turbo - can you guess?)

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The Good News! - The 5 string Peavey Dyna Bass is polished and brimming with new stringyness!


The bad news! Murphy, the 87 Turbo Wagon, has a blown head gasket. :-( The radiator sprung a leak and the car got hot. Didn't overheat, but I guess it was just enough. The milky oil of death has made it's telltale appearance. Well, it has been a few years, and I was running on the original gaskets from the latest replacement engine... so I suppose I'm due. There goes my plans to be lazy today.


PS. Anyone want to buy a bass amp to help finance the repair???? :)

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Ahhh Murphy the $500 T-wag right? I think I at one point in time owned a car almost identical that I also paid $500 for. FT4WD 4spd auto. It was overheating when I bought it, new thermostat and radiator later I turned around and made a couple hundred dollars profit. Kinda miss it, ran pretty strong. Wonder if it's still driving around.... anyway good luck with getting Murphy back on the road!! He's been reliable for this long... some new head gaskets and he should be good to go for at least a few more years.

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BINGO!!! The one and the same!!!!


I've got the intake manifold and all the top stuff off. I WAS going to pull the engine to replace the HG's, but, since the engine is so new, and there is no sign of an oil leak, I think I'll just pull the heads with the engine still in the bay. Certainly wouldn't be the first time I've done that... Seeing that for all the Subies I've brought back to life w/o a cherry picker, I would put the figure at probably at least 15 if not more! :banana::banana::banana:

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Time to go feed the bird, feed the doggies, then go pull me some EA82T heads off the car!


UPDATE: Heads are now off. I don't see the usual signs of a blown gasket, one cylinder with different colorations or deformed gasket. BUT, this is probably the earliest I've caught the problem before things got all wonkey.

Edited by Sonicfrog
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Well, it looks like something got into the # 1 cylinder and banged around a bit. The head has matching scars. There was more carbon build-up in that cylinder than the others, which would indicate that happened a while ago. I bought the engine a year or so ago, a used import, and for all I know, this happened before I ever got the engine installed in Murph.





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