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OUCH! :dead:

That sucks a big one man. Sorry to see that happen to you. Glad to hear you and the other driver are OK though.


The body damage alone is enough to total it at that age and mileage. No doubt there is unibody damage, and the airbags are just the nail in the coffin.

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Scavange whatever you can from the car and then sell the rest to a metal recycler. At least you can get something from her. Again, glad that you are okay. Live to drive another day. I'm so glad that my whole family drives subies. I wouldn't trust my 16yo daughter in anything else with the crazies on the road around here. I know she is in a safe, strong car.

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So guess what.. i get a call from geico saying that i possibly did more then $10,000 worth of damage to the pickup truck... first of all i'm thinking to myself how the ************ I did that and the guy drove away after the cops came but later returned as i was just getting my car hooked up for the tow.


And this happened like almost 3 weeks ago


sounds like someone is trying to cash in if you ask me...


i say that because my limit was $10k for property

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Yeah there is something fishy going on here. Theres no way there could be $10,000 in damage to that thing if he drove it away (Unless you hit a bugatti). Don't get suckered into anything, I would maybe talk to a good attorney if you can.


So guess what.. i get a call from geico saying that i possibly did more then $10,000 worth of damage to the pickup truck... first of all i'm thinking to myself how the ************ I did that and the guy drove away after the cops came but later returned as i was just getting my car hooked up for the tow.


And this happened like almost 3 weeks ago


sounds like someone is trying to cash in if you ask me...


i say that because my limit was $10k for property

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What kind of truck was it? (assuming this was a pickup with a winch lift blade)


Winch lift blade, do they even make those anymore? Everything uses Hydraulic rams now days.


I also find this funny, the same crowd who posts in the Trashwagon thread, post in here too. We're like a big happy family :D

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Yeah they make them for small trucks. Most of your 3/4 or Ton trucks will handle one of the hydraulic assemblies with ease. A 1/2 ton can still push a 6 or 7 foot blade, but the front suspension isn't designed for the weight of an ~8ft blade and the hydraulic control equipment that goes along with it.


If it was a 1/2 ton truck, a front end collision could easily damage the frame which would send the repair bill through the roof.

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Yeah there is something fishy going on here. Theres no way there could be $10,000 in damage to that thing if he drove it away (Unless you hit a bugatti). Don't get suckered into anything, I would maybe talk to a good attorney if you can.


Agree, something is not right here. Talk to your insurance agent about this, not an attorney. They deal with these issues on a daily basis with investigators and claims adjusters. If the other party is coming up with a fraudulent claim, your insurance company will determine this pretty quickly, and put a stop to their claim.

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Agree, something is not right here. Talk to your insurance agent about this, not an attorney. They deal with these issues on a daily basis with investigators and claims adjusters. If the other party is coming up with a fraudulent claim, your insurance company will determine this pretty quickly, and put a stop to their claim.


Didn't know they could do that. +1 to this!

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sounds like insurance fraud if they are going for 10g.

Require some more quotes independantly on your own. Maybe this guy is buddy buddy with some autbody shops, and maybe he has buddies in the insurance industry


What is the year, make, model, mileage of this said truck

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AND, perhaps 10k in property damage is not enough. i'm not an insurance guru, but this thread did make me wonder what my property coverage is.


of course if you are 23 years old and paying ALL of your own bills and own absolutely nothing of value, maybe 10k is enough. when they sue you, what can they take away, your music collection?


any way, don't let them take advantage of you. it would not surprise me to learn that they claimed more than 10k because they learned that your coverage is 10k. kind of like a negotiation, start high and then settle lower. they will never get 10k out of the insurance company if the ask for 9k. and if these things routinely settle??? for less than first asking, then of course they are asking for more than 10k.


bottom line, you don't care about the amount as long as it does not cost you any money.

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