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Apple coring.

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So my 88 GL with 3AT is having trouble with upshifts. It will do the 1-2 shift at about 3,000 rpm and the 2-3 shift at about 5,000.


Searched around and the consensus is that the first suspect is the Governor valve. Pulled it and checked it over. The plunger feels fine, but there is a little bit of shmutz in a couple of shallow grooves on the shaft. The gear on the end looks ok. However, I'm not sure what apple coring means and I can't find a picture of an apple cored gear. This one looks fairly smooth, but there's an obvious wear line in the gear. If this were a diff, I'd think it was perhaps a little excessive even for 250 kilomiles. Does anyone have a pic or a good description of what apple coring means in this case?



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Good gov gear = []


Applecored gov gear = )(


There were some pics sometime in the past, but it appears they are gone.


I would disassemble the valve and clean it good.



Ah, I found a old article. It has pics, but not of a cored out gov.


Edited by Turbone
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Thanks, Rob. Much appreciated.


Ok, well, I didn't disassemble it because I don't have the tools to do that here. However, I did replace it with a valve from another trans and the problem has gone away. I'll be taking the old one in to the shop with me tomorrow and I'll tear it down and clean it there.


Here's what I don't understand. To my fingers, the plungers on both units feel the same. Both have similar wear patterns on the gears, though the new one has at least 60,000 fewer miles on it. The new one works, the old one doesn't. WTFO?

Edited by Scoobywagon
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Here's what I don't understand. To my fingers, the plungers on both units feel the same. Both have similar wear patterns on the gears, though the new one has at least 60,000 fewer miles on it. The new one works, the old one doesn't. WTFO?

The valves are under loads from springs and what not, and they have parts that slide inside of other parts. In my all-to-often experience, unless you disassemble it you can not really assess the movement of the parts. They literally need to move like a "hot knife through butter".


(I had also thought about making some genderist remark involving the distaff gender and looks not telling you much, but then I decided it was just the chain-saw fumes affecting my judgment.)

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Ok, well, in that case, my gear must be good because it looks NOTHING like that. So, I'll continue on with plan a and tear down the valve tomorrow.

The helical teeth are supposed to be even top to bottom, not saddle-shaped as that example was showing.


RE: chain-saw fumes - I had to stop cause the dang elephants said that I was disrupting their tea-party. Stupid elephants; it was obviously coffee.

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