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ea81 burns through alternators

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In the past year my subaru has gone through about 4 different alternators. Now i usually buy them used at the junkyard for around $15 but id still think that i would at least have some last a little long but it seems like for every season that thing goes through a different alternator. ill admit i do rev it hard but im still surprised on how quickly they seem to go out. does anyone know if there is a certain type of alternator to get or a certain years of subys that are more or less prone to alternator failure.

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In what manner do they fail? That many failures sounds more like an overstress issue: Bad battery or something else that causes the alternator to have a sustained high output. (Might include a dead-short.)


well the past ones will just drain the battery and make it die out. this time when it failed i noticed that it still works but if you take off the battery cables it will die out.

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