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EJ22 phase 1 to 98 Forester S (help!)

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Alright, first off if this is inappropriately placed, feel free to murder me -you may end up doing me a favor...


Moving on, here's my dilema: I have recently purchased a 98 Forester S with leaking head gaskets. The normal course of action would simply be to fix the head gaskets, but it would be expensive. Prohibitively so for someone such as myself (single parent, no garage, no more money).

However, I do have a 90 Legacy LS with an extremely well-maintained EJ22.

I've searched the forums to the best of my (limited) ability, but what I can't seem to find out is whether it's feasible to swap the EJ22 into the Forester.

From what I can gather, the Forester running the EJ22 will be at worst, underpowered. However, considering the nigh invulnerability of the EJ22, I could probably live with it -I simply need a dependable, AWD, car.

I suppose if I could I find someone willing to do the HG on the cheap, I would just do that and not worry about convoluted engine removals/conversions, but as I am extremely limited by my financial situation, I'm looking at the least expensive alternatives. Like I said, I can live with driving an underpowered car as long as it's rock solid dependable (which my Legacy has always been -the 4EAT tranny in it, however, weeeell, not so much). I'm disappointed in the DOHC EJ25, but repairing the HG is a $1500.00 job, and if I simply can't afford something like that, all the while entertaining the possibility of having it reoccur later on, or have something else (bearings, etc) go wrong as well.

I would rest much easier knowing I had the reliable EJ22 to depend on instead.

Again, I'm simply looking at options at this point; maybe I'm reaching. Who knows. However, I AM becoming desperate at this point -the HG in the Forester are bound to go pretty soon -it's inevitable. So unless, I can find someone to help me do the HG repair locally, and not charge me a fortune, I'm going to continue the head scratching until I can come up with a solid plan.

ANY and ALL advice is appreciated and graciously welcomed.


Bob in NE Ohio


p.s. just an FYI -the Legacy has a bad tranny and it's got the rusting disease (the motor, however, is immaculate)

Edited by elkaboom
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Pretty simple - either swap the electrical components from the EJ25D's manifold to the EJ22 manifold and drop it in, or find a '95 to '98 EJ22 manifold (with EGR prefered) and use that. The engine will bolt right up.


It won't be real underpowered - the EJ22 is 135 HP to the EJ25D's 165 HP. The loss of 30 HP isn't that big of a deal. You can offset it some by going down a size in tires, etc.


This swap is done all the time and is very easy. I can pretty easily do one in a day.


Since you already have the engine - you should be able to do this for about $250 in parts (timing belt/water pump, seals, etc) and about another $300 to $400 in labor if you pay for that. It's going to add a bit to the labor bill with the 22 being in a car - has to be pulled vs. unloaded from a truck.



Edited by GeneralDisorder
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You may also need the exhaust manifold from the other vehicle. Can't guarantee you will or wont, but I think the EJ25D is dual-port exhaust on each head whereas EJ22s are usually single-port (or vice-versa, not sure).


I wouldn't rely on an EJ22 that's that old any more than an EJ25D with new head gaskets. Unless the EJ22 has under 100,000, and even then you are chancing HG, waterpump, bearing failure. If you have to take the EJ25D out of the Forester anywayz, you might as well do the headgaskets and put it back in. I wouldn't worry about bearings and such, since mine lasted 400,000 and there's still no issues. 90% of the work with HG's is removing the engine, once you have the engine out, there should be minimal charge for the gaskets and installing them. I would do it for you for under 150$, but i live in Northern Canada.


Im not saying don't do an EJ22 swap, I'm just saying that any engine can have HG failure, and as far as costs go, you may want to consider making that EJ25D last another 150,000 or so by doing the gaskets. Also do your seals, wp, and timing, and your EJ25D will practically be new (less the bearings and rings). I would suggest to do those anyways if you were gonna swap the 2.2. Also, your Fozzie will have all the power it needs.


If you don't mind me asking, what's the mileage on the 25D and 22?

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