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Question Concerning my 1.8L

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Well my 94' Loyale has been running great for the past month since I got it.

However I have a concern about the engine. The 1.8 only has 93k miles on it, and well taken care ones.

Last week I had to work on my aunt's car so I parked the soob in the garage for about 7 days.

Well the other day when I went to get it, I pulled out and there was a few drops of oil, nothing major. I know this had the cam, head, and gaskets, replaced just a few months ago. So Should I be worried about that little drops of oil? OR is this a common thing with soobs.

It only burns about 1 quart every 1-1,500 miles so I figure its ok.


Also while driving it home last night on the parkway, going around 65, (revs where around 3,700) About 15 miles into driving the car made a weird sound like metal clanking real fast for a split second, I had no Idea what the heck that was but it didnt do it the rest of the way. (even while going faster or slower) Anyone else had that noise?


All help appriciated!

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A couple drops of oil are nothing to be worried about. Soobs leak. I don't know what I would do if mine didn't leak oil.. I wouldn't have anything to complain about.. can't have that now can we?


Also while driving it home last night on the parkway, going around 65, (revs where around 3,700) About 15 miles into driving the car made a weird sound like metal clanking real fast for a split second,


Something fell off.. or you ran over a small piece of metal.. or you left your camera(or in my case, my metal coffee cup) on the roof and it chose that moment to fall off(my poor cup has tons of road rash)


If all the important stuff is still there and its got all its fluids and isn't making any funny noises or running crappy, I wouldn't sweat it.

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if it was on a bridge, it could have been the heat expansion plates between spans.. I dont know if they do that with bridges down there, but in alaska theres some that have the plates over the top of the teeth where the bridge is supposed to move (contract and expand)

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