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'01 OBW: lurching 30-40 MPH, 1500 or so RPM

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i'm wondering if this is normal for these engines, but my 2001 OBW (h4) has a slight 'lurch' or shudder in the 30-40 MPH range and, as best as i can tell, abouts the 1500-2000 RPM range. it feels like i'm pumping the gas pedal when i'm actually holding it steady and it doesn't seem to happen when it's cruising along -- just when accelerating or slowing/accelerating in rolling traffic. i don't feel it in the pedal itself nor do i hear it. i just feel it coming from the engine area. i've had a very intermittent CEL for a while but now it's more frequent. not sure if the two are related since i get the lurching regardless. i'm picking up a cheap OBD reader to see what's up with the light.


i'm wondering if it's a transmission issue; real rough shifting or something. or something else someone may know about. i have a bunch of ATF waiting for warmer weather so i can do a fluid change. maybe that'll help. in the meantime, if anyone has insight into this weirdness, let me know. thanks!

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start with the most simple first, when was the last time it had a full tune up, plugs,wires,fuel filter,air filter,oil change, how many miles, time for the t-belt job? O2 sensors? all of these I'd start with first. My guess is your having a miss fire, which would most likely be a faulty plug wire. How do the head gaskets look, if yours are leaking you will see oil on the head where is meets the block, usually drivers side on that year, flush the coolant and add two bottles of the conditioner from the dealer. These are the most simple things to do before tearing into your wallet and finding there is more.

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i'm wondering if this is normal for these engines, but my 2001 OBW (h4) has a slight 'lurch' or shudder in the 30-40 MPH range and, as best as i can tell, abouts the 1500-2000 RPM range. it feels like i'm pumping the gas pedal when i'm actually holding it steady and it doesn't seem to happen when it's cruising along -- just when accelerating or slowing/accelerating in rolling traffic. i don't feel it in the pedal itself nor do i hear it. i just feel it coming from the engine area. i've had a very intermittent CEL for a while but now it's more frequent. not sure if the two are related since i get the lurching regardless. i'm picking up a cheap OBD reader to see what's up with the light.


i'm wondering if it's a transmission issue; real rough shifting or something. or something else someone may know about. i have a bunch of ATF waiting for warmer weather so i can do a fluid change. maybe that'll help. in the meantime, if anyone has insight into this weirdness, let me know. thanks!

To be honest I'm not sure if your trans will throw a code, but you could have bad duty c solenoid, get that CEL checked and find out the code, its good start.
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To be honest I'm not sure if your trans will throw a code, but you could have bad duty c solenoid, get that CEL checked and find out the code, its good start.

Duty C controls fluid pressure on the AWD transfer clutch pack and will not affect driving at speed.


It sounds like a misfire. Tune-up first.

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