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U Pull It around Bellingham

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I'm living up in Glacier WA right now and was wondering if anybody lives around here that has any good spots to find some old GL's or anything to pull some parts off of.


I have an 85 brat with an EA81.


Thanks a lot for any tips.

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supposedly they are going to start inventorying what cars they currently have, which will be accessible through their web site. that will be handy for those of us that live far away.

new prices will suck, although when i was there a couple weeks ago they hadn't changed yet.

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Well think about it.

If you bought a door and swapped it out, would you want the beat up one laying around? ;)


The same thing has happened here. More and more are being bought out by big corporations that charge higher prices, environmental fees that are higher, and gate admissions. It used to be pretty good money buying used parts and reselling them but its a tough game now. I am still pretty good at it but you have to return your cores, be patient with counter staff that doesn't know an alternator from a starter motor, and cars that are far more picked over than before. All the same I still think its cheaper and easier than dealing with a full service yard, especially when you want a complete wiring harness, some weird electrical/emissions item, or want to see the part before buying.

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