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Here we go again. 95 Impreza 2.2 automatic. Had this problem once before about a year ago with the old engine. Cooling fan not coming on when car comes up to heat. Problem was fixed by replacing ECT. Problem is back again. This time I checked both cooling fans, ran fans direct to battery, both work. Checked all the fuse and they are good. Changed the ECT and still not working. Traded out relays from my 96 wagon that I know are good and still no fan. Connections to fans are clean. Someone here said before in a post that there is a relay on left drivers side under dash. If there is on can you tell me what this looks like. And also I did plug the 2 green wires together under dash with key on and fans do cycle on and off. What seems to be the problem ????? Will it hurt to run cooling fans direct so my son can use car for work till we get this problem fixed ??? thanks

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Here we go again. 95 Impreza 2.2 automatic. Had this problem once before about a year ago with the old engine. Cooling fan not coming on when car comes up to heat. Problem was fixed by replacing ECT. Problem is back again. This time I checked both cooling fans, ran fans direct to battery, both work. Checked all the fuse and they are good. Changed the ECT and still not working. Traded out relays from my 96 wagon that I know are good and still no fan. Connections to fans are clean. Someone here said before in a post that there is a relay on left drivers side under dash. If there is on can you tell me what this looks like. And also I did plug the 2 green wires together under dash with key on and fans do cycle on and off. What seems to be the problem ????? Will it hurt to run cooling fans direct so my son can use car for work till we get this problem fixed ??? thanks


un-fused has a risk, maybe for both the fan and the battery / electrical system.


and un-switched has the risk of returning after class to a dead battery.


other than that i don't see a problem.


i don't know how much juice they pull, but a temporary wire from the fans to the cig. lighter might be a solution. it's fused. plug it in and the fans run when the car is on.

Edited by johnceggleston
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