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Salvage Yards

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Does anyone know where I could find a salvage yard around the Fort Lewis WA area that I might be able to find parts for my 86 xt.
There's also another pull a part type yard across from the Olympia airport; I forgot the exit number, but just follow the signs for the airport and you're there. Take airport exit and continue east past the State Police building. Turn right at the Shell station and go south about one mile and it's on your left across from the airport. Even better here's the link: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&pq=pick%20and%20pull%20arlington%20wa&xhr=t&q=pick%20and%20pull%20Olympia&cp=20&qe=cGljayBhbmQgcHVsbCBPbHltcGlh&qesig=S0c7go7jlMVSR8cBq1OUdQ&pkc=AFgZ2tmsZCR-PRwKlRZXhYu4DjDdGWV_e_LbwU9wkzm-zgq9XUDPCFlx3Ax3uiEdDxgLC_BQ8bTSQqjweQmocEvhlAnBcVs34w&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=pick+and+pull+Olympia&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=1&cad=b



There's another non pull a part yard in Nisqually. Take exit 114 off the I5 highway and head south. It's on your left just after the Chevron station.

Edited by edrach
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