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belt adjustment improves rpms at start up?

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I adjusted my power steering accessory belt. The horrible squeal went away. Let's hope for good. But what I wasn't expecting was that a stumble/rpm drop at every cold start would go away too. It would hit about 1800 rpm then drop low, almost stall, and come back all without me hitting the gas. No problems when starting a warm engine. Anyone care to explain? Just curious. 96 Outback 5 speed with 188,000 miles. I replaced fuel/air filters a couple weeks ago but the rpm change wasn't noticed until the belt adjustment. I don't claim to be a savvy car guy so apologies if this is basic engine operation. Did some online searching but nothing turned up.

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Is this the belt that drives the altanator. if it is, have your battery checked just to make sure everything is good. A lipping alt belt is all I can think of but that would also mean your battery may be weak as the battery should be able to make up for this.

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Is this the belt that drives the altanator. if it is, have your battery checked just to make sure everything is good. A lipping alt belt is all I can think of but that would also mean your battery may be weak as the battery should be able to make up for this.


It is the belt that drives the alternator. I will check out the battery. I'm happy the car starts better after the belt was adjusted. Thanks.

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