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I've been studying the archives and I already replaced a rotting fill tube. There is a black box back there behind the right rear wheel with hoses and there is what looks to be a solenoid. I tested-- it had 25.9 ohms resistance. The power supply had 11.9 volts. But the metal cover rotted off and now there's just a plastic piece and instead of an alert on my scantool it's fulltime red PO440. Can someone tell me which solenoid this is? My research points to vent solenoid but I can't find diagrams anywhere!! Thanks:-\

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After looking closer, there are 3 valves possibly back there. One that you probably can't see because it appears to be over top of the canister. Which also appears to be called a vent valve. possibly this is one of he changes on the later models. What year car is this again? http://www.subarupartsforyou.com/cp_partdetail.php?partid=12556


The vent valve that I think you're looking at has fairly large hoses, maybe 5/16" Id. One loops out of the leading (forward) port makes two quick 90° turns and ends. The other comes out of the top port and loops to a hard line which runs to another hose that goes to a filter above the canister. http://www.subarupartsforyou.com/cp_partdetail.php?partid=12552


The pressure control solenoid valve is the one located forward of the fuel tank next to where the rear brake lines come out of the floor pan.

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I imagine eventually the filter might get plugged up with dirt. I haven't ever seen a thread about anybody needing one though.


I'd just leave the metal line in place unless it's rusted out. That type of stuff is generally in place to minimize stress on certain components, or guide hoses/wiring around obstacles that might rub or cut.

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Was messing with the old valve still in the car and it broke in half. Now I've got a PO446 to go with my po440. And it's ductaped. Does this stuff effedt how the car runs or is it emissions related only or what? There is no pressure built up when I release the gas cap.

That section of solid pipe is very rusty and prolly not airtight. That filterlike item is rusty too. It's all suspect really.

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P0446 Subaru Evaporative Emission System Vent Control Circuit

:lol: Guess you know which one it is now.


The evap system only collects fuel vapor from the gas tank and routes it into the engine to be burned off, rather than venting it to the atmosphere. The engine will run the same regardless, but your car might smell like you just went to the gas station all the time.

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