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idling question 83 gl wagon

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I have a non turbo 83 gl wagon, when i am driving the idle is fine, right around 1000, but if i get stuck in traffic, the temp goes up, and the fan come on. That is where the problem seems to be. It seems like it will not idle at all, and i have to keep a foot on the gas to keep it running. Are there any similar stories out there? and if so, are there any easy rememdies to fix it? I use regular unleaded gas, but maybe a carb cleaner additive will do the trick? i appreciate any comments or opinions on the matter, thanx !

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I'd give it a complete tune-up, then if that doesn't work, repost the problem. Plugs, wires, cap, rotor, breather-filter, air filter, fuel filter, pcv valve, oil change. The overheating is probably a seperate issue, but should be taken care of first, if you plan on keeping car. The worst thing you can do to a Subaru is let it overheat. These engines are extremely sensitive to heat because of the aluminum heads & block. Check coolant level, you may need to drain old coolant & add new. If that doesn't work, you probably need new radiator or thermos-stat. These old ones are infamous for the radiator clogging, the best fix is to replace. The radiator is very easy to replace, a few bolts & disconnect hoses. Good thing your fans are working, otherwise you would have done some serious damage by now.

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  • 1 year later...

My Brat just started having idling problems.


All I did was change the air filter and so far it seems to do better. I know this sounds too simple, but I'm finding out that simple is better than getting real technical and changing everything under the hood.

We get crappy gas (water) here in New England a lot, too. Dry gas is always in my tanl

Good Luck!

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