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Problem Starting Forester HELP.

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I have a 2006 Forester. It has low mileage, approx 26K. A few weeks ago I notice that occasionally I had to crank longer than normal for the car to start, but not every time. I replaced the battery as it was the original 5 year old battery and tested low, but that did not solve the problem! In order to start the car quickly, I have to pull off the clutch slightly, and when it is cold it will not start in gear, but only in neutral??? And that is after two or three tries. I have checked all connections. When the car is hot, after being driven on the fwy for maybe a half hour, it starts fine. However when not, it is hard to start. It turns over but does not engage. This morning I was on a uphill grade and it spitted and sputtered until it started. I noticed when I let the engine run at idle, it seems to speed up and it clicks and kicks down and keeps doing that every several seconds. Is this normal? Could I have gotten a bad tank of gas a few months ago? It doesn't seem to be the clutch switch as the starter turns over every time. I took it to a Subaru shop today, and of course after driving it for a while, it started without a problem. He said without a check engine light to scan any codes, he could not figure out what the problem is. Could it be a sensor of some sort that measures heat? I asked whether he thought that the air filter or plugs should be changed and he did not think that was necessary. Other than Suby Specialities which has a 2-3 week waiting list for everything out her in Los Angeles, anyone know of any good Subaru shops. Or does anyone have any ideas of what I might check and replace, just to be on the safe side. Please help if you can.

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First lets get the fule filter replaced.


Once it fires off how does it run till it is warmed up. Does it do this on just the first start of the day or while still cold. I am thinking Coolant Temp Sensor.


Don't ever go to that shop again, they are idiots. If they only rely on codes to diagnose, they will never find any problem for anyone. CTS and other sensors will not throw a code when bad, and others wont if they are just sluggish.


I am not understanding the clutch issue, if any, or how it is connected to everything else.


Why do you think your clutch switch is good?

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No, it does not just do it at the start of the day. It seems to do it most often, except after driving for a while on the freeway when it is hot. It runs somewhat sluggish even after starting it up. Like I said, on idle, it keeps kicking up clicking, and kicking down every few seconds. Not sure how the clutch is related either, but unless it is cold, I have to pull the clutch slightly off of the floor for it to kick over. Maybe it is just a coincidence!

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