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Transfer case lift in progress


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Ive been slowly gathering all the parts to install a divorced nissan transfer case into my 84 subaru GL.Im going with an 8" lift and I will be running some 31x10.50 15 mud tires with 4.11 gears.Ive had the 8" lift pieces in for a while just not connected or anything.This week I was finaly able to borrow my friends welder and start connecting all the blocks and building the sub frame.


I have alot more to do but so far I have all the lift blocks in place,they are all connected with 2x3 3/16 steel tubing.the lift blocks themselves are 2x8 1/4 square tubeing.I have the front mount of the front diff done on the crossmember.Also I made a steering extension that works perfectly.


I got the steering extension to work with one u joint by removing the steering column and extending the splines 3-4" up the shaft with my dremel.The splines now start at the firewall.Then the shaft was cut so that the shaft only comes out about an inch and half out of the firewall.Basically enough that the U joint can fit on the shaft with about 1/8" before the firewall.it turns fine with no binding at all. moving the U joint that much closer to the firewall lessened the angle the u joint must turn through by just enough that it won't bind.


I still need to make the mounts for the engine,transmission, transfer case, make the rear diff hanger and make the final piece of the front diff hanger.alot more work but now I have a welder to use so I can make progress.


hopefully I can get started on the motor and transmission mounts tommarow.I was gonna do it today but a motor mount broke so I am waiting for the 3m window weld urathane to dry on my ghetto fixed motor mount..



its still on on 235/75/15's so it will sit even higher.



steering extension.Im gonna paint it black when everything else is done.thought red would look good but it would just look tacky.



empty engine bay awaiting spfi swaped EA81 and 5 speed DR.front section of front diff mount is low in the picture on the crossmember.Its rear mount is going in after the engine and transmission mounts are in.


more updates later.

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Lessions for doing a transfer case lift:


put motor and transmission is as an assembly.Before you do that however measure the transmission crossember and make some mounts that places the transmission in the center of the tunnel.Then with the engine and transmission together and in the the engine bay. bolt the transmission to the mounts you just made THEN measure where the engine should sit.Now you can tack the engine mounts.Pull the powertrain and do final welding.Then you can reinsert powertrain at your leasure.



What ever you do don't make the engine mounts then the transmission mounts.Bolt holes wont line up and in some cases will be very far off- like an inch or more.


so when I should be making the transfer case mounts I have to pull the engine out AGAIN and torch the mounts then start again.its especially frustrating when I only have the welder until sunday night,and the metal store closes at 3:30 on saturday.so learn from my mistakes and follow order of operations.

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