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Is the ea82 oil/sump screen removable?

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Is there a trick to remove the screen or sump/pump arm or do I just clean it I. Place? Removing the support's 10mm bolt at the top of picture didn't seem to help.


Got the pain off with a fight... This crap is what I found:



Thanks in advance everyone!

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I did find out the whole tube is removable with a little force (held in by o-ring) once you remove that bolt. Guess I was afraid to give it enough force without checking in first. Will try in the next day or two.

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those things can be TIGHT! i've seen some that didn't seem like they'd come out without breaking something, i've just left them in place mostly. and i've always seen the oring at the top as well.


Great thanks GG!


Mine looks almost "glued" in with black Permatex or something but I'll look closer. If it won't budge safely I'll just clean in place.

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You did the pan gasket with the engine in the car...? Wow, congratulations. It must have taken significant effort....all those pesky little bolts!! Thats some nice sludge you have there too. A few shots of solvent/carb cleaner etc on the screen and up the tube accompanie by some compressed air might help clean it without removing it.

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The service manual calls for not removing that during rebuild. I have mixed feelings on it. Its real easy to ding it up removing it with a chisel which is about the only way I have found to get them out. And obviously you want to be able to clean it, flush back thru the screen, etc.

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Thanks deener and Shawn!


What I did today... So my oil tube wouldn't budge. Gave it a good cleaning with kerosene:



Went in with my screwdriver, into the right side, front cylinder, to the inside of the engine and found play in this screw. Sorry for being naive, but any help identifying this as normal or "bad news" (if your bandwidth allows) would be great!


Video: http://i524.photobucket.com/albums/cc328/hondaspeedx/87%20Subaru%20GL/b6d00d9c.mp4

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Bad news.Connecting rod bearing is gone.That will make some noise.


Be prepared to spend some money to fix it.




Well not good news but I see what you mean now. So strange, never saw any metal or chunks. I guess the bearing could still be in there or the crank is messed up. Guess I will find out... SLOWLY :/


Thanks for the diagnosis naru

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