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I got a 98 OBW with 230K. Last inspection (four months ago) they said one of my inner tie rods had a bit of play, but within their limits. Over the last week of so, at 40 mph of more, I get a rhythmic pulsating sound from the front, driver side I think. And the sound comes with a slow bank to the right, so I thought wheel bearings. But when I jacked it up today, there was no bearing noise spinning the wheel. I could feel some play in the wheel. While moving it I could see the play in the tie rod too.


could this rhythmic sound come from just the tie rod?


If it is the wheel bearing, should I get a knuckle? from the junk yard?


I have done wheel bearings before but not on a suby yet.





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I have the same issue on my 98 right now. I hear it more when I'm in a left-hand curve on the road. My friend is convinced it's the right-front bearing, but after jacking up the car and checking it (according to the Haynes book), it doesn't seem to be the case.


I'm about to take it to the repair shop that has all my money.

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  • 1 month later...

Glad to see you've found your culprit. On my 96 OBS w/ 225k, I've replaced both front spindles with lower mileage ones from the junkyard. Easier that pulling the bearing, IMO. And if nothing else, you've got a spare that you could take in to have the bearing done, saving some labor. One thing I have learned though is that it's a good time to replace the lower ball joint while you've got it out.



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