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Need help identifying a vacuum fitting I broke

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2002 OBW, 2.5L... I tried to pull this hose out of the way and the lower fitting broke off. It attaches to a plastic piece that's underneath the ignition coil, underneath the intake manifold.


I've tried identifying it in the Intake/Induction system diagram and can't locate it. It draws a vacuum while only the upper end is connected, and with the lower end disconnected my idle is a little high.


Can anyone help? I'm guessing I'm going to have to go to a dealer to find the part.


Thanks in advance for any help!



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Looks like it's for the Evap purge valve solenoid.

If the line goes to a T you can replace it with a generic T from a parts store.

Probably goes to this little bugger though which is going to cost some $$ from the dealer.



Get one from a junkyard for $5. They don't often go bad.

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That looks like it. I'll call the junk yard tomorrow, and try to see if I can repair it somehow before I spring $85 for that little thing.


Edit: I searched on that part number and ran across a thread on NASIOC where folks posted that they fixed it with JB Weld. I'll give that a shot first.

Edited by eryque
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