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95 Legacy LSi Auto to Manual help please

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Were working with a 1995 Legacy LSi Auto EJ22. First I had a 1996 Impreza LX Auto w/ EJ22, then I bought this 95 LSi w/ a blown engine. So I pulled the EJ22 out of my Impreza and dropped it into the LSi. Only the engine the trans. in the Legacy is still the original Auto. Well little time passes and my RWD wont work, so I have only FWD (there is no fuse in the FWD box, and with the back jacked up I can spin the rear tires and the drive shaft does turn and is attached to the Trans) and now I have lost Reverse. So I have a 98 Outback w/ a 2.5l and Manual 5-Speed Trans. the car has been stripped and the engine is blown but still there. Now finally to my question, and of course I know I will have to do alot of work to transfer auto to manual but can I take the 98 5-speed trans. and bolt it up to the 96 EJ22 engine from the impreza that is now in my 95 Legacy LSi??? If so can you please tell me what all I will need off of the donor car in order for this to work... I realy need this help its my only drivable car for now anyway... Please and Thank you so much

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all of the bolt atterns will be the same. anything you will need you will have from the donor car. you willneed to swap the rear diff along with the trans, inless they are the same final gear als the old trans.


its pretty simple and stright forward.


the only thing you will 'needn' is maybe new seals as you have the option to do them while you are at it.


Once you get under the car, you will find it's simpler than you imagine.

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Thanks, one more thing, with the 98 2.5l tran. will i need to take the flywheel off the 2.5l for the 2.2l ? Since the 2.2l in it alrdy has the bolt for the torque converter? and will i have to use the manual tran support bracket? and there both AWD so the transfer case will bolt up also along with the drive shaft? Thanks and Thank you agian for you help so far Very much appreciated:banana: O and 1 other thing can i keep the auto tran computer or will i need the manual computer

Edited by Scar3Cr0w0nFir3
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use the flywheel and bolts on your donor engie.


there is no transfer case on these cars, as the 4wd is contained in the same housing as the whole trans, it is not a separate piece.


you will want all the mounts that go to the donor trans, and all the bolts, and it will bolt to the same locations on the receiving car

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You can leave the tcu behind. you might get codes on the at/oil temp light on the console. The MT does not have a trans control unit. You might be able to just eliminate the tcu, but it's not necessary.

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