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Problems with 81 gl hatchback

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Have an 81 hatchback here with an EA81 and the little thing ran great up to about summer of 2010. The dizzy shaft started wobbling and was wore out and eating up caps and rotors like crazy. We got a used one and swap over the good parts. It ran fine until about september when more problems started. I dont recall exactly when it happened but it started surging. It had a hard time starting and a rough idle. Sounded like it was missing. I would have to pump the pedal alot to get it started. At take off it would start surging. Even while driving it 65mpg it would surge. Found a cracked ignition coil and replaced it. Replaced plugs, wires, cap, rotor, coil, fuel filter. Fuel pump doesnt seem to have a problem. . Replaceing theses made it worse and it would sometimes die in the middle of the road. Rebuilt carb and dizzy(again). We found some vaccum hose was making it not want to idle and pluged it. i cant remember which it was but ill look at it tomorrow. Since we pluged the vacuum hose it runs better, but has a hard time getting up and still surges, misses, and doesnt hold and idle like it used to. Can anybody help me figure out what it might be??

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