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so I just got my new jdm tranny into my impreza and got everything hooked up and it started making banging noises.. from the transmission, I asked a couple people and they talked about not having any load on the wheels and shtuff and possibly that having no oil in the transfer..

does anyone know if the transfer carries it's own oil? and how to deal with that if it does



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drain the fluid and check for specks....or bits, pieces and chunks by the sounds of it?:-\


that's an interesting one. based on it being rear end - that's the rear extension housing area - maybe the viscous coupler is imploding or whatever the part is called that drive it?


you could swap the viscous unit from your old trans onto this new JDM trans. it can be done with the trans in the car. waste of time if it's not the VC though, maybe someone else will chime in as i've never heard of a VC making noise.

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I didn't know there was a viscous in there... but it's not in the oil, I just drained the oil down anyways, but it is a consistent metallic and kind of.. machined sound, like there is one point of the driveshaft hitting one point around it...

though it makes the same noise with the shaft out..


another piece of info is that it doesn't make the noise in the same way in different gears in fifth it's almost always there fourth it lasts longer 1, 2 and 3 it hits for a second while giving it gas and reverse doesn't at all


also is it possible the bearing on the output of the transfer being dented would have this effect?

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Pull the tail shaft and transfer housings off and check out the transfer gears and center differential assembly. Those can all be replaced without a complete tear down of the transmission. Anything forward of that requires the case to be split, and generally means you should just get a new used transmission.

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hoow..? I couldn't get the housing to budge at all when I thought I had to take it off before.. and it's still under the six month warranty of the place I got it from.. it only has like.. 50,000 miles on it, it is a new used tranny...

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well I'm just trying to make sure it's messed up, some people have told me it could be normal to have some "slop" in the rear wheel drive.. portion.. plus that means pulling it aalll out again :P

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There should not be so much slop that it makes crunchy and grinding noises.


There are 8 or 9 bolts that hold the tail housing section on, and you have to remove the linkage for the shifter. Then there are two alignment dowels that can be knocked out with a punch and the tail housing section will pull off. The paper gasket will hold it somewhat so you may need to tap it with a mallet to get it loose.

You can see the dowels in this pic. One at the top and one at the bottom. The transmission is laying on it's right side in the pic. TrannyResealandClutch009.jpg

The transmission output shaft (the long one) and the center differential have to be pulled out together. They will come out by hand with a bit of wiggling.

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well I called the tranny shop because there's no point in fixing it if it's still under their warranty anndd they told me to drive it first because sometimes general weird things can happen when it's in the air, "vibrations etc." so I figure I'll just put it back together and drive it around the block.. see what happens.. :P

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