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Help! Clutch pedal suddenly hit floor!

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Hi, Yesterday I pushed in my clutch to go into reverse as I was in a parking lot. Then just snap, my clutch went to the floor, and would not retract. I got towed by my brother back to my house.. This morning I found a plastic bushing or something that looks like it broke off..



So, My car still starts if I push the clutch down. I can retract it manually and the spring is still good, but it has no ability to retract on it's own.


I can't find any diagram to see where it goes so I can get a new one and do it myself. I looked for a good 10 mins at the clutch pedal and still can't seem to understand where it broke off of. Can anyone please help me out here? Maybe a part number? I can't even see anywhere I can buy this. Thanks - Shockey


Sorry about not saying what Model it is - Impreza 2000 2.2L

Edited by Shockey
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