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EA82 cam timing/belt replacement?

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Will an EA82 run with one of the cams a tooth off? I recently replaced my timing belts on my EA82 wagon and followed the procedure I found here, but it seems to be significantly more gutless than I remember (or I just drove the truck for too long).

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My 87 GL was two teeth off on the drivers side cam when I got it and it barely could hold an idle and only ran when warm, but it ran, sorta... I've accidently installed belts one tooth off and it will idle and drive down the road, but it will be pretty gutless. Just recheck your work and you'll probably see whats going on.

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Cam timing appears to be correct. The driver's side cam sprocket is straight up when the three little ticks on the flywheel are centered on the pointer and the passenger side bank cam sprocket is pointed straight down.

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