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I've got a '96 Outback (163,xxx miles) with a 5 speed manual, and have recently started having problems with second gear. I think my synchro for upshifting from 1st to 2nd may be going bad, as it grinds when trying to shift at any rpm higher than 2g. The part that confuses me though is that this only happens when the car is warmed up (as in when the car is cold there isn't any problem shifting into second). I'm guessing that the synchro is on edge, and once the tranny fluid heats up it thins which causes the grinding.


I've read on here and other places that 2nd gear is notoriously weak, anybody else have this problem? The car isn't driven very hard as it's mainly a daily driver. Also I changed the tranny fluid (synthetic 75/90) when I bought the car six months ago. I'm thinking about swapping it with 80/90 to try and squeeze some more life out of it.

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try going back to a conventional 80/90 gear oil. Synthetic fluids are thinner and tend to be more slippery which doesn't help the synchros. Standard 80/90 conventional gear oil will not be as thin at operating temp as the synthetic.

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  • 1 month later...

I noticed that about 2nd gear, too on those transmissions. I put some Lucas additive (the really thick, gooey stuff -- not the synth) into the case (about 3-4 ounces) -- enough to top it off. It has alleviated the grinding and shifts more smoothly.


I just get into the habit of shifting with more finesse -- rather than jamming the stick.




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