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Snapped bolt head off a flywheel bolt.

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Ok While I was working on my Brat 80' I have the engine out and was realining the flywheel, and as I was torging down the bolts I snapped one off. ..............:eek: :madder: :banghead: :boohoo:

What do I do now???


How can I remove the bolt I ripped apart flush with the flywheel?



Does any one know any shops in the area that can get me a new flywheel for a 80' brat ??



Can I stick the whole thing back together with one bolt missing?



Thank you for any help here




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I would go to your local Tool store and get a good quality "E-Z Out", it is a kind of reverse spinning drill bit that has a taper to it. All you need to do is drill a hole in the broken bolt, and insert the E-Z out and most of the time spin it out. Or just get a new Fywheel.



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The first thing I would do is to take the other flywheel bolts out and see if you can get the flywheel off. If you can you should be able to get the rest of the bolt out of the crank with some vice grips..

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I agree on the left-handed drill bit. Works very well. Trouble is, not every hardware store carries them. My two don't -- and even asking for them can get you strange looks. "Whaddaya mean, 'left-handed'?"


I assume you broke one of the clutch pressure plate-to-flywheel bolts, as I don't know anybody strong enough to break the flywheel-to-crank bolts. You can sometimes get lucky: remove the pressure plate, dry off your thumb, press it firmly on the broken bolt and turn it counterclockwise. If the threads were oiled, sometimes the bolt will come out this way. Really. If that doesn't work, try teasing it with a No. 00 flat screwdriver. Sometimes you can catch an edge and work it out.


If, OTOH, you used locktite, you'll have to drill it. Std. bit + EZ-out, or left-handed bit.

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If you have access to even a cheap welder, go get a stick of stud plus. Weld a nut to the broken bolt and turn out with a wrench when it cools. It does 2 things for you, expands and cools the stuck threads, gives you something to put a wrench on without re-pulling the flywheel. If the engine is out, it is a snap either way. Good luck.

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I like the left handed drill but finding that will be harder than finding a spoiler for the back end of a 360, But I think I'll take up the e-z out tap, unfortunatly when I broke off the bolt it was flush with the flywheel, And yes it was a bolt to the clutch plate, still fusterates me that I snapped it off.


Some of you guys said about getting a replacement flywheel,

Do they sell flywheels for older sub's new? And if so where?



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I live out toward Camas, near the English pit shooting range. (192nd Ave and 11th street). Near the Soccer fields at the end of 18th street.

I'll be up by 2:00 Sunday if you want to come over. Bring the flywheel and we'll pop it out.

My number is 253-4385.

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