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I don't think you need a computer. There is a pin that you ground to tell the ECU whether to look for auto or manual trans. The pin changes depending on year. Someone here knows though, it has been discussed a few times.

Anything before 98? I think? is going to have a cable clutch, and that is going to be the easier swap for your year, but either cable or hydraulic will work the same. Cable and hydraulic pedals are different so get the pedal to match the actuation system you want. Brake pedal (the skinny one), you should get both pedals and the brackets too as the brake pedal bracket may be different.

You need a flywheel and bolts. The crankshaft bolts for the auto trans flex plate are shorter than the manual trans flywheel uses. You need the longer bolts for the flywheel. Bolts to hold the pressure plate on the flywheel. Clutch kit you know.

You will need the manual trans mounting cross member. The one on the AT is entirely different.

Driveshaft is a different length, you know that already.

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