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Just joining this site as I recently purchased a 2003 Subaru Outback H6 3.0 LL Bean Edition. I purchased it used with 74,000 miles on it and it seems to run just fine getting great gas mileage.(around 25/gal) I have to do the math on the mileage based upon fuel used.


Anyone here know of any issues I should be prepared for on this model. So far I am very happy with the car.

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welcome to the USMB! :banana:


you will want to cruise thru the "New Generation" forums to read up on common issues/problems


not 100% sure which years had the major problems with headgaskets (too new for me), but i think you are safe from a major problem there - i know it has been discussed in the new gen forums, so do a little lookin.


oh, and we really like pics here, so lets see it!

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Well Hello! And welcome to the Board! I see you're in my neck of the woods. I don't know a ton about the newer generation's problems but if you utilize the search function you should be able to find some good reads! Not 100% sure where you are, but there's a group of us getting together tomorrow (Sunday) in CDA to go for a drive up into the mountains... You can find a thread on it in the Welcome Center called "Poor Man Run". It'd be great if you could join us! Even if it's just for the rendezvous at Super1. :grin:

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Well, thanks for the well wishes and warm welcome.


I will dig out a pic here and post it of course with more to come...


I live in the Lewiston general area...Near Kendrick. So I am close to the forest here and not too far from CDA. Maybe someday I can hook up to tape a trip on a ride.



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I live in lewiston so if you have any free time feel free to swing by.Right now my only subaru is my offroad toy,then I have an old datsun as a rally beater/DD.Anyway if you want to come by and learn abit more about subaru's or talk about whatever...Just send me a PM after you post a few more times or send a visitor message..

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Welcome! I've had my 01 H6 3.0 LLBean for about a year now. She is a sweet ride! There's not a whole lotta "H6 specific" info on here (kinda a new beast) but there's a few of us here... One thing to do right away is the idler and tensioner bearings, I put mine off for too long, but caught them before any major damage was done. I saved a whole lotta $$$ by changing just the bearings, and not the whole pulley(s). When you're ready, I can give you part #'s and all the specifics. That's what we're here for! Enjoy your new ride!

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Welcome! I've had my 01 H6 3.0 LLBean for about a year now. She is a sweet ride! There's not a whole lotta "H6 specific" info on here (kinda a new beast) but there's a few of us here... One thing to do right away is the idler and tensioner bearings, I put mine off for too long, but caught them before any major damage was done. I saved a whole lotta $$$ by changing just the bearings, and not the whole pulley(s). When you're ready, I can give you part #'s and all the specifics. That's what we're here for! Enjoy your new ride!


Thanks for the heads up on that!

What is the $$ cost *ball park* for the work you are stating that was done? Of course as we all probably are on a tight budget, but I know I am for sure, I will plan this out.

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Thanks for the heads up on that!

What is the $$ cost *ball park* for the work you are stating that was done? Of course as we all probably are on a tight budget, but I know I am for sure, I will plan this out.


The list price on the bearings was $6. each, You will also need a 30mm. socket (or equivalent) for pounding them out/in. I got a deal on the bearings, and including the socket, spent about $10. on the whole job. :)

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