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My donor legacy has a bad ecu, its a '90 legacy 5 spd awd and has pn 22611-aa562 ( B9 ) . I have an ecu from a '92 legacy with part number 2611-11930f ( F9 ). I didnt pull the ecu from the '92 and I havnt been able to go from part number to application or determine if they are transmission specific. Has anyone found a part number to model, year, trans etc or know if the '92 would be compatible with the '90? They have the same plugs but two different manufacturers which might explain the different part numbers.

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It's about the injectors, but has some good info on the ECU's as well. The different ECU controls the redtop injectors, rather than the gray/black top ones. It seems everyone recommends that you replace the injectors and ecu at the same time. Verify that though...


Or you could just slap it in and see what happens :lol: It will probably work. The code in the ecu should be forgiving enough to handle the slightly different flow rates of the injectors, I at least hope it would. This is only a guess though. But if I were you, I would just slap it in and fire it up!


Trans doesn't matter when it comes to the ecu. Especially with odbI stuff. The TCU and the ECU are basically seperate systems, the only thing they "share" is the tach/rpm sensor. Other than that, they are completely independent of each other. All the ecu needs to know is if it's a auto or manual, and I think that is controlled by grounding, or not grounding a pin on the ecu.


Hope that helps!

Edited by eulogious
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92 ECUs are not transmission-specific. But 90-91 MT use a different MAF and IAC than the rest of the 90-94 Legacy non-turbo engines. A 90 MT likely won't run right with a 92 ECU unless you swap on the MAF and IAC from a 90-91 AT or any 92-94.

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