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HELP! 88 SUB DL Wagon Electrical Prob. NEW INFO

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Ok I am reposting this with some of the same info and more info.


Subaru 88 DL Wagon died on the highway. Just shut off and light on the dash board lit up. Car turns over but doesn't want to start. Electrical problems with the coil. I got an new one but this is whats going on. If you test from the ground side of the battery to the terminal you have voltage, if you go to the negative terminal to the possative side you also have voltage. Relay working and pulsating along with the fuel injection system. As it pulsates light under the dash board is pulsating 5 times and then a pause. All dash board light are on when key is turned to the on position. I pulled fuel filter hose off just for fun. Located under the hood of the car and watched gas squirt out of hose as I tried starting the car. Fuel pump and relay are good. Checked fusses in fuse box, all good. Don't know what other fuses to check besides box. I removed the panel below dash board and looked around. Not sure what else to check other than looking at wires.

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Not sure if I just missed it in your post, but do you have ground continuity? Not entirely sure, but you should also have a good connection to ground on the negative terminal I would think. I have run into some strange problems that have been caused by bad grounds.

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Just had another thought that may or may not help. At one point I had a engine in my Subaru that was out of a carbed subaru, but I was running the SPFI of the car it was in on the engine. It was some time ago, but I think it did something really similar to what you are talking about, just died running down the road and never started again. Problem is I didn't really sus it out at all. I had access to another SPFI engine that I was planning on putting in so I just did a swap. It runs fine with the new engine. My thought is, have you checked anything mechanical out? I know I assumed it was a head gasket, but I never did check it out at all. Might be worth a compression check or something along a non electrical line. I haven't seen your other post, so I don't know all that you have tried, but there are a large number of mechanical problems that could cause a no start as well. Broken timing belt?


Again, it was a unnatural set up on my subaru at the time, but from what you are saying about your electrical it all sounds normal to me.

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I saw your other post, but ig i hadnt, you are describing a timing belt failure. This is always the FIRST THING TO CHECK is if the belts or broken, or even easier, take off the disty cap and watch for the rotor to turn when cranking. no turn, no belt(unless the set screw fell out, which is too easy)

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