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Wrist pin access plugs?

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I just got the flywheel off Fizgig (93 Loyale) and trying to decide whether to replace the main seal or not. It doesn't appear to be real wet but one of the 2 plugs with the big allen holes in it does look like it's leaking. Are these the pin access ports and is it safe to pull the weepy one out and hit it with some pipe dope?



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Yes, they are wrist pin ports. And yes it's fine to pull them. Just don't lose the thin metal washer that goes on it. If you don't have an allen key big enough, just find a bolt with the right size head and turn it with a pipe wrench, or double nut on the other end of the bolt.:)

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I can't recall any of the ones I've seen weeping, and I can't imagine it would be good. I've never used pipe dope on an engine, not sure how it reacts to heat, but other than that I wouldn't be afraid to try it. I do know there's supposed to be a thin metal washer to aid with sealing. Maybe it just hasn't been tight enough?

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