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fuel pump specs?

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i am looking to comfirm some information.


did an engine swap in a 92 loyale 4wd wagon with a 2.5l out of an 02 impreza rs.


from the info i got the stock loyale fuel pump pushes 28-33 on pressure.


and the impreza runs about 43 on fuel pressure stock in there respective vehicles.


i am haveing some issues when giving her juice and it seems the fuel pump is not pushing enough pressure when needed. fuel pressure has been tested when running to ensure its only pusing 30 psi.


i am looking to upgrade to a 50 psi fuel pump, anybody done a upgraded fuel pump before? or had this issure. thanx guys


if anybody can confirm these specs that would be some useful information.................help...:)

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The stock SPFI pump (the one on your Loyale) IS a 50 psi pump, though it is regulated to 21 psi via the throttle body pressure regulator on the SPFI. You can simply crimp the return line and you will see the pump's pressure capability on your test gauge.


The 2.5 from that Imp is about a 165 HP engine. I have been involved with higher powered builds using the SPFI pump and have not had a single issue with them keeping up. We currently have a ~200 HP EJ25 in a Brat that is running the SPFI pump without issue.


It is possible that your pump is weak but probably not. If fuel pressure is your problem then your fuel pressure regulator on the injector manifold is bad.



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the only issue i am having is when i start the vehicle after sitting the idle jumps up to 3 thousand rpms and stays there with the car not in gear.


the only other symptom is when on heavy acceleration i am getting a sputter or not so consistant pull. no matter what gear. the car runs fine but is having trouble somewhere on acceleration.


i dont think i is the transmission.

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