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When I use my right turn signal, it blinks more rapidly than the left ONLY when the headlights are not on. When I put them on, it blinks properly. There don't seem to be any bulbs out. Is there a double bulb un one of the housings? 99 Legacy SUS

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did you just replace it recently? check the two little posts on base of the the bulb that go in the socket notches. one is higher than the other. it's possible to get them in the wrong way. other things I've read before have been cleaning the socket and maybe use electrical contact gel. my left turn signal does that still, I just left it for now.it blinks slower when parking lights or headlights are on.

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The bulb socket had some corrosion on the side of the socket. Cleaned it up and it works fine. The funny thing was that it was lighting the wrong filament. The bad ground caused it to look for a ground through the other power wire. Cleaning the socket took care of it.

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